Scheme Organiser: Dr Emma Walker Endocrine Laboratory - Charing Cross Hospital - Fulham Palace Road - London W6 8RF - UK Telephone: +44 (0)20 331 33645 - Email:
Endocrine Laboratory - Charing Cross Hospital - Fulham Palace Road - London W6 8RF - UK Telephone: +44 (0)20 331 33645 - Email:
The Scheme is open to all bona fide laboratories involved in the analysys of 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) and 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D) assays.
Please send no remittance now. You will be invoiced for the amount.
Main Contact Details:
Contact Name:
Organisation Name:
Town / City:
County / State:
Zipcode / Postcode:
Telephone No:
Email *:
* Please ensure that your email address is correct as this will be used for all future correspondence
Sample address (the name and contact details of the person to whom samples should be sent. Check and complete if different from main address):
Finance / Invoice address (check and complete if different from main address):
Scheme (click the scheme(s) you wish to register for)
Order Number*
25 Hydroxyvitamin D 5 samples per Round. (4 Rounds per year.)
1,25 Dihydroxyvitamin D 5 samples per Round. (4 Rounds per year.)
25-hydroxvitamin D - Supplementary scheme Limited availability - currently only available to UK and Irish participants3 samples per Round. (4 Rounds per year.)
If available, please provide an order number here. It is not necessary to enter a separate order number for each scheme.
Each sample is approximately 0.6 ml (25OHD) and 1.50 ml (1,25OH)2D. If this is insufficient for your assay, please indicate volume required in additional information below
12 February 2025